You know I am new to cloth diapering... and I am scared of this diaper. It's a "fitted diaper;" it's a "pocket diaper." That means it is not waterproof. It needs a diaper pin. It's only 2 layers thick, but has a pocket that can be stuffed with whatever absorbent material I see fit. But enough of my phobia - This diaper was amazingly easy to sew. It dried in a snap. And with a mom that was paying attention, I felt it get moist, but we had no leaks even without an extra cover! But most importantly... it's ADORABLE!!!
Notice the ladybug on her bottom?

Not sure if I wrapped it around exactly right (it looks a bit bunchy) & I was scared of pinning her. Since I don't have a snap press, I may try adding
velcro to this one.

All I stuffed it with for this wearing was a
microfleece towel.

The pattern is called Rita's Rump Pocket (
RRP) one-size flannel fitted pocket diaper. Rita, cloth diapering mom of 2, came up with this pattern and is sharing it with the world free of charge! Click here to get your
downloadable RRP pattern. And let me know if you sew one and blog your pictures, too!